The Women’s Literary Team review
“An exceptionally well-written novel with action, adventure and reversals. It is a journey through place and time with the invention of the Dutch East India Company’s Academy for gifted children. The work strikes a happy balance between the real and the fantastic.
The awards Committee congratulates the writer on her success.”
55th competition of the Women’s Literary Team,
Young Readers say:
"Fascinating characters and interesting development of the plot!" Ismini, 12, Atlanta, USA
“Interesting and intriguing! It seems like a fantasy, but it also seems real as well!” Nancy, 10, Brighton, England
“A perfect book for kids! Amazing!” Agis, 10, Larissa, Greece
“A must read, if you love fantasy and adventure!” Valia, 11, Karditsa, Greece
“I could not put it down! A great story!” Michael, 12, Nicosia, Cyprus