“The truth is that it is quite difficult to categorize the novel within young adults' literature. Is it a book of adventure? This is obvious! Is it a fantasy book?
According to Darko Suvin, it surely is, since it offers an alternative to the global setting in which we live. Is it science fiction?
Of course, it is! Aliens, spaceships, physical laws and scientific principles extended. However, there are significant elements of historical fiction, too. Besides its precise references to historic events, according to many researchers, mythologies such as the Greek one, are actually the non-written history.
Myths are nothing but the reflection, crystallization and condensation of historical narratives, accumulated in the collective memory of ancient societies and transmitted orally from one generation to another.
Therefore, it is quite obvious that the Poseidon’s Charm is a brilliant, multifaceted novel, a wonderful debut with just the right kind of plot twists that keep you turning pages!”